Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Punic Wars

Rome and Carthage wanted the Mediterranean Sea and Sicily. So they fought for 100 years. We call their wars the Punic Wars.

The Romans were used to fighting on land and the Carthaginians fought in the sea. Carthage had ships and more talent than the Romans for fighting on the water and for making the ships. The Romans waited until one of the Carthaginian ships broke down and then they took it apart and copied it. Normally, a ship would have to crash into another ship and sink it, but instead, the Romans added something more. They added a big hook so when they were at battle they could throw the heavy hook and the hook would get onto the deck and the Romans would grab the rope from the hook and pull the other ship to their ship. Then they would get onto the Carthaginian ships and fight with spears and swords. This worked for the Romans. The wars went on and on so finally the Romans sent soldiers to Carthage. A Roman consul, Regulus, was caught and put in prison. Some Carthaginian soldiers told him they would set him free if he would make peace between Rome and Carthage. If he did not make peace, then the next day he would have to go back to prison in Carthage. So he went back to Rome and told them "don't make peace" because the Romans are winning. When he told them he had to go back to Prison in Carthage the people said, "why can't we send someone else?" He said, "Shall a Roman not keep his word?" The next day he went back to Carthage and in prison.

Regulus was right. The Romans won the first Punic War.

Regulus should have listened to his children and wife and stay in Rome. If Regulus was my dad I would have told him, "you need to stay home, dad, it is not fair if you go."

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