Monday, March 24, 2008

Crossing the Rubicon, No Going Back

Well, Julius Caesar was in Gaul conquoring a bunch of lands. Powerful people in Rome were jealous of Caesar because he had the power and the love of the people and they wanted the power. Pompey was mad, extremely jealous of Caesar so he went to the Senate and convinced them to send Julius Caesar a note. The note said, "you better get home and come alone!" So Caesar got his best soldiers and left Gaul and went to the alps. He had to cross a river called the Rubicon right before he got into Italy. He broke the law by crossing the Rubicon with his soldiers. People said, "Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon!" Then, Pompey's whole army deserted him and went to Caesar and wanted to be in Caesar's army. Senators who did no like Caesar ran away with Pompey because they were afraid. The Senators and Pompey ran away to Greece. Now Caesar is running the empire.

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